Image of Arun Mathai S.K.

Hello, everyone! I’m Arun Mathai S.K.

I consider myself to be a thinker, tinkerer and learner.

Things simply fascinate me and the human brain is something I highly admire .

Here are some of the things I like.

[Computers, Programming, Internet, Food, Music, Science, Movies & TV-Shows].

Just like any other obedient zombie out there 👀.

Basically, I’m just a guy tying to make a positive impact on society with the limited knowledge I possess. I wholeheartedly believe that even the smallest contribution has the power to bring about meaningful change. I know it may sound cliché, but I truly believe in the collective strength of individual actions.

So yeah that’s all about me 😄

If you still wanna know more about me, simply send across a “Hi!”.

I mostly go by @arunmathaisk on the internets.